
3月23日から2泊3日で大町公民館にて英語合宿”English in Action”を開催しました。
17名のboys and girlsが参加し、合宿中は英語のみで外国人と勉強をしました。
プログラムは全部で9つ !どのプログラムも一生懸命取り組み、また時に笑いありの合宿でした。今回、国際交流員2人、8人のALT、愛大の留学生2人と日本人ボランティアに協力していただき充実した英語合宿となりました。最初は緊張気味の学生たちが多かったのですが、少しずつ慣れてきたのか、自分から先生たちの隣に座って積極的に話しかけている姿がたくさん見受けられました。参加した17人は将来の自分を見据えて英語が必要だと感じ参加する意欲がとても感じられ準備する側としても一生懸命子供たちのためにしたいと思える合宿でした。
○災害時のラップの活用法 (包帯や三角巾の代用として実践してみました)

Message from Student who is Kotoha, Saijo High School(西条高校生 吉村ことはさん)
Two years ago,I participated in this English activity. At that time,I had little vocabulary skills and knowledge of grammar.But great experience made me curious and I studied English harder.So this year’s activity gave me courage because I noticed that I grew up.

There’re two things which left an impression.
First,I really enjoyed playing cricket.At first it was hard to understand the rules. I thought it was similar to baseball, but there were some differences.
However, I understood it gradually while I was playing. That was a lot of fun. I thought the distance between teachers and us closed throughout the game.

Second,I enjoyed talking in English.I enjoyed talking about live action of anime with Rowan,trip in US with matthew,fruits in Japan with martin and so on!
Sometimes it is difficult for me to explain but I tried using English words which I learned in school.

I learned that what matters is to challenge.Even if I make mistakes,it will lead to success.I’m so grateful for supporting and creating such a wonderful opportunity.This activity is my great memory.Thank you so much!

Message from Mr. Ferdinand(愛大留学生 フェルディナンドさん)
I had an amazing time at Saijo English Camp 2018! It was so much fun interacting and getting to know the lovely and talented junior high school and high school students of Saijo. It was a pleasure to be of help to them because I saw how eager and interested they are to learn English. Doing all those activities with them—learning words, playing games, having meals, and cleaning things—wasn’t only enjoyable but also a wonderful learning experience for someone like me, a foreigner in Japan. These children are so lucky to have English language teachers who are so kind, enthusiastic, and smart! They make the learning of English fun-filled and effective. The students would go a long way with English with teachers like them. I would like to thank Ms. Miho, Ms. Diana, and Ms. An Thy and the rest of the members of Saijo International Affairs Office who invited us to be part of this and made our stay very comfortable. Thank you very much and kudos to everyone who was part of this camp. I hope I can come back to Saijo and see everyone again!

西条市国際交流協会では、英語合宿“English in Action”を2年に1度開催しています。是非興味のある方は西条市国際交流協会のHPもご覧ください。